Senior ProjectsThe goal of a senior project is for students to experience personal growth, both direct and indirect. It’s a journey of self-discovery entailing learning new skills and honing existing skills to a new level. The year-long senior project is a rite of passage allowing each student’s individuality to be revealed while they develop new capacities, push limitations and learn through mistakes and successes.

Willow– Learned blacksmithing and built a homemade forge.
Ryan– Designed and built an electric guitar.
Ruby– Deepened her oil painting skills and created a series of paintings.
Sloan– Studied  the culture, history and application of Mehndi henna.
Romer– Learned metalworking and developed a metalworking shop.
Sebastian– Has been working on a model of a temple from Caral, one of oldest cities in the Americas, located in modern-day Peru.
Marley and Oliver– Converted a school bus into a tiny home with living space, plumbing and electrical systems.
Nora– Has worked on developing and writing a novel.
Rebecca– Delved into traditional Caribbean cuisine.
Kendall–  Worked as an intern at Whole Children, an organization that offers programs for children with a range of abilities.
Hannah– Completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training and has been teaching children locally.