Partner Spotlight ~ Paul and Elizabeth'sSPECIAL OFFER
from our friends at Paul & Elizabeth’s restaurant

For a limited time Paul & Elizabeth’s will donate 25% of all purchases of P&E scrip cards to Hartsbrook. Treat yourself and your loved ones to an amazing meal and you will be treating Hartsbrook too!   Please take the advantage of this generous offer.
Cards are available in the main office. Contact Vesna with questions.


Paul and Elizabeth’s
Specializing in Fresh Fish and Tempura
For more information visit:
Partner Spotlight ~ Paul and Elizabeth'sPaul and Elizabeth were founding members of the The Hartsbrook School. They helped to create a thriving school at the same time that they were developing their restaurant, now an institution in downtown Northampton.
Elizabeth, also an Anthroposophic Nurse, served for many years on The Hartsbrook School’s Board and over the years has offered natural health classes to our community.
Nate, a Hartsbrook alum, continues the tradition by managing Paul and Elizabeth’s and sending his children to The Hartsbrook School.  His wife, Paule, is an active member of our parent community.  Thank you to the Sustick family for so many gifts to our community.