On September 21 and 23, Hartsbrook warmly welcomed 12 members of the Amherst Plein Air Society to spend the morning for a Paint Out on the Hartsbrook campus. After first strolling around to enjoy watching children busy with their morning chores at the farmstead and the many beautiful views the campus offered them, painters set up easels and equipment in their chosen locations. During recess, later in the morning, the young students found the artists well into their work.  The artists were pleased and rewarded by their interactions with the students who approached them to view their work in progress.
– Heide Zajonc, Alumni parent, Founding member of The Hartsbrook School and member of the Amherst Plein Air Society

en-plein-air-3En Plein Air – Judy Novack

The students were interested in the many sketches in my sketchbook. They said, “wait, go back” and I would turn back a page so they could see if they had missed seeing one. At one point there were at least 20 all gathered round.  It was a perfect morning to enjoy the views, chickens and the kids during recess. When they all lined up according to hair length, Hartsbrook had me. What a lovely place to live, work, study and learn…and thanks to Heide we got to enjoy it, too.  -Judy Novak


hartsong-screenHartsong – Meg Bandarra

When I arrived at Hartsbrook there were so many beautiful vistas and vignettes it was difficult to decide what to paint. Eventually, I decided on a mountain view because the way the light caught the curves of the land pulled my attention into the distance. While setting up my supplies a group of children and their teacher began collecting acorns under a nearby tree. They sang songs while they gathered and stopped to roll down a small hill, laughing the whole time. The atmosphere was charming and idyllic. It’s impossible to visit the campus and not feel the connection between the school and the land. I tried to capture the feeling in my piece.  -Meg Bandarra