For its Fall Intensive, the 11th grade made the annual trip to Triform, a residential Camphill community for special needs young adults located in a rural area outside Hudson, NY. This trip is made as part of the Main Lesson in Parzival, a medieval tale of a knight who travels the inward path to realization of his greater human self, which frees up his capacity to have compassion for others.

tri-form-16-2Throughout the week, Hartsbrook students work alongside community members in morning workshops, such as the pottery, the weavery, or the bakery, or in the gardens and fields, on the farm, and in general grounds keeping. Some students may work in resident houses helping to prepare the midday meal. The following are some of our students’ observations this year:

I really liked the lifestyle of the Camphill, the way all the residents were taught many skills about how to work with the land. ~Henry

A highlight was working alongside the residents, getting to know them for who they are, their sweet and deeply caring personalities. ~Sylvana

I really enjoyed watching how the residents interacted with fellow residents and also their relationship to their work, which they took quite seriously. ~Saphira

I loved everything at Triform—the families, the workshops, the residents, the (volunteer) co-workers. Everyone was so nice to us and so thoughtful. I loved to work with one of the girls in the garden. She was very strong and concentrated on her work, which impressed me a lot. ~Anico

tri-form-16-3Having lunch at the houses was a really meaningful way to connect with the students and their house parents. And the simple beauty of the campus was perfect for the kinds of work we did and the interactions we had. These students, volunteers, and teachers consistently amazed me with their open, honest respect for each other, which could be seen by their comfortable teasing, straightforward caretaking and dedication.  ~Hero

A highlight for me was singing in the kitchen with a student while we made eight large salads for the entire community. Also, getting to meet diverse groups of co-workers from all over the world and hearing their insights about Triform. ~Alena

One highlight was working on the farm. I love to work with animals and feed the pigs and cows. I also really enjoyed the talent show. Seeing the students come out of their shell and having fun warmed my heart greatly. ~Sadie

I enjoyed the talent show where Fynn and I got to improvise on stage. ~Caleb

I absolutely loved the time spent journaling in the woods…and I appreciated every moment that we interacted with the young adults…seeing how the community functioned on the inside was wonderful. ~Lila


Cherrie Latuner, High School English, Literature and French