The 6th Grade spent three days exploring the geography and biology of Cape Cod. The trip included learning about the geological formation of the Cape, walking trails at the Audubon Wellfleet sanctuary, and exploring salt marsh, tidal flats and freshwater habitats. We also spent time meeting a very friendly box turtle, searching for hermit crabs, holding salamanders, chasing waves on the beach, spotting seals swimming in the surf, and eating dinner and s’mores by our beach campfire. But truthfully, the highlight for many of the children just may have been camping outside in tents with 18 classmates on a school day! Here is what Amelia had to say: Last week my class and I went on a camping trip to Cape Cod. We headed out early on Wednesday morning. Once we arrived at our campsite, it was clear how different it was from Amherst and Hadley. The trees were small pitch pines, with no undergrowth except for the golden tall grasses which waved in the cold wind. After we set up camp we set out for a short hike to the salt marshes. It was beautiful. Trees reared up on the sides of the path, their colorful leaves spinning in the breeze. White sands crunched first beneath our feet, then, in the woods, multi-colored leaf mold and gravel. The next day we went on a small walk in the salt marshes. It was quite pretty. I’d never seen a marsh like that before. My class had a beautiful view from a bridge, looking out over the marsh. Large islands of grass were shot through with dark brackish streams. Framed by still, green trees and bathed in pale dawn light, it was a scene I’d love to paint but probably couldn’t. That night, we went to the beach. I was a little bit impressed by the waves. They were bigger than most that I’ve seen before. When the sunset, the clouds turned pink and orange and, framed by the indigo and dark blue sky that was speckled with sparkling stars, it was on the most beautiful sunsets I’d ever seen. It was overall an amazing camping trip and I greatly enjoyed. I hope we will be able to go on another one. Amelia, 6th grade