On September 6th the rainy morning was brightened by a buzz of back to school energy as the high school students, faculty, and community gathered for an opening assembly.

Virginia McWilliam spoke about her new roles and the many changes in governance and structure within the high school and beyond, thanking Cherrie Latuner, Rosemary McNaughton and Caryn Hesse for their extra time and energy in supporting these developments.

Diverse stories were shared by faculty and students, enriching an overall theme of compassion and unity, of taking the time to support and connect with fellow humans, resulting in increased understanding and caring for all involved. This theme will be a thread carried through the pedagogical work this year, helping to reinvigorate the stream of community service in the high school. This attached link shares some words spoken at the assembly and a starter list of ways to get involved in helping others in need.  Remarks2017

The traditional wildflower ceremony introduced our newest faculty and students, visiting exchange students, and finally the new 9th grade class. Enthusiastic offerings were made by all the participants wishing to bring intentions and qualities such as Love of Nature, Optimism, Improv, Willingness to Listen, Pure Happiness, Wisdom of the Hands, and Shalom/Peace.

The assembly concluded with high spirits and optimism for entering into a first main lesson block and the start of the 2017/18 school year.