Hartsbrook Anti-Racism Statement

In March of 2021, an IDEA working group was formed with the intention of crafting an official anti-racist statement for Hartsbrook. The goal was to create a statement through a deliberative, collaborative, inclusive and transparent process. The working group was composed of high school students, parents, faculty, school leadership and board members. This year-long endeavor included research, reflection, critical thinking, many conversations, and multiple drafts. In late spring of 2022, the Faculty Conference and Board were asked to affirm the statement and invited to participate in an additional round of commenting. Every piece of feedback was discussed, and as a result many changes were incorporated into the current version. This statement is a living document and will be reviewed annually beginning in January. The process for review will be communicated by IDEA in the coming months.

Statement on Anti-Racism

“The beauty of anti-racism is that you don’t have to pretend to be free of racism to be an anti-racist. Anti-racism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including in yourself. And it’s the only way forward.”

–Ijeoma Oluo, author of So You Want to Talk About Race


  1. The leadership groups of the Hartsbrook School, which are the Faculty Conference and the Board of Trustees, with the support of IDEA (Inclusion Diversity Equity and Accessibility), are committed to the work of antiracism.


  1. The Hartsbrook Faculty Conference and Board of Trustees affirm that the work of antiracism is aligned with the mission of the Hartsbrook School and Waldorf education as articulated by Rudolf Steiner: to honor the unique spirit of each student and to be of service to the world.  


  1. To carry Waldorf education into the future, we recognize that we must continually renew it, reflecting on its roots and developing new growth to meet the times. In this spirit, the Hartsbrook School stands behind the following Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) statement on racial comments in the works of Rudolf Steiner:

“We acknowledge that Rudolf Steiner[…]offered many profound insights that support the value and dignity of each human being and form the foundation of our organization’s histories and worldview. Yet, he also made statements that reflect harmful assertions regarding race and ethnicity. Racism, explicit or implicit, stands in direct conflict to the fundamental principles of Waldorf education[…]” (Accessed 5/23/22)


We believe that the culture of the Hartsbrook School reflects the individuals that make up the school and our own capacities to be racist or antiracist. Unjust ideas and policies, and the racial inequity they produce, have shaped us, our school, and our society. It is our responsibility to identify and dismantle racist ideas and inequitable policies in ourselves and in the school, to work toward antiracism, and to cultivate a culture of inclusivity and equity. 


  1. The Board and Faculty Conference also recognize the responsibility to continually examine our policies and pedagogical practices so that our teachers can cultivate Waldorf education that respects and celebrates all our students. We believe that everyone benefits from a school environment that fosters belonging and gratitude, where racial, ethnic, and cultural differences are embraced and valued.


  1. We have much to do as a school to move towards equity and justice. This includes not only developing and implementing equitable policies and practices, but also to follow up with a system of accountability. See below for more on our ongoing work.


  1. This is a living document, intended to evolve with time. We continue to learn, and plan to review this statement annually. Hartsbrook statements are not fixed and final, but part of ongoing processes of reflection and growth. Please bring your voice to our community! Contact idea@hartsbrook.org.