6th Grade Trip to NYCThe 6th Grade took the train to NYC to spent several days. We explored medieval history and architecture with visits to The Cloisters, St. John the Divine and the armor exhibit at the Met. We used a little Spanish when ordering in a restaurant and explored Central and South American history at the American Museum of Natural History. We had a taste of upcoming curriculum with a visit to the Tenement Museum and managed to squeeze in some great NYC fun, such as a ride on the Staten Island ferry, street food in Battery Park and tag in Central Park. We even caught an evening Stomp performance!

Some reflections on our trip:

~I loved the bustle and crowds of the city!

~The tour at the Tenement Museum took us through an old building where many refugees had lived and told us about their lives.  It was fascinating.

~When other families had electricity and plumbing, the tenement houses did not and they had to share outhouses in the back yard.

~ The Natural History Museum was huge. There were lots of stuffed animals and a giant blue whale! Also there were 100,000-year-old Mayan and Aztec relics.

~The trip really opened my eyes to the past and the future.

~My favorite thing was seeing Stomp. Stomp is a percussion group that used all kinds of everyday items from trash cans to sand and they performed with such passion. It was inspiring.

~One of my favorite activities was eating from food trucks. The food was surprisingly good! We took our meals and ate in Battery Park next to a beautiful sea glass carousel.

6th Grade Trip to NYC